maanantai, 2. lokakuu 2006


In case someone has been wondering why I haven't written anything in a long time, I'd say there are two reasons...1) I just haven't felt like writing anyting. 2) Nobody ever reads this or comments (although...does that mean that my friends actually do have a life and don't have to hang around the net all the time. In that case I should be happy for them:)
I'm experiencing what they call a "VMTL" (vittu mä tänään lähden = "fuck, i ain't goin' nowhere") month. I don't give a rats ass about dieting, I'm not up for any exercice or anything that involves getting into shape and I'm not interested in job hunting at all. All in all...I just want to do nothing. Sad, huh? I seriously need some motivation to get my ass on gear. This fall time is so depressing.:/

perjantai, 25. elokuu 2006


I realize this news flash probably ain't going to count as "big news" for you guys, but the particular event made me very happy yesterday. Verneri doodied in his potty for the first time! Yay!!! I know you can't relate to my excitement, but man, it was like finding gold! We've been potty training for the entire summer. Every once in the while we get an occasional pee in there, but yesterday, -boom!. Just like that there was a chunk of a doody in the potty...(please don't imagine that for your own sakes..) Verneri couldn't understand my excitement as I was doing a rain dance around the apartment chanting "poo in da potty, poo in da potty...cha cha cha" Gee, I'm so happy!! It's as if a bird spotter saw the rare bird after months of desperate wait...Please bear with me here! This just means that another milestone has been reached and the kid is growing up!

sunnuntai, 20. elokuu 2006

Airplane Spotting

Yesterday we spent a lovely evening at "my-almost-brother"''s house (Most of you should know who I'm talking about ;) dining and wining and just plain relaxing with family (My other "almost-brother" and Verneri's godparent was there also with his wife). Verneri was playing with their sons ( as well as an 18month old plays with a 1year old and a 3 year old:). They live in Vallinoja, which is rather close to the Helsinki-Vantaa airport, and as we were sitting on their patio, the airplanes decenting to He-Va Airport were flying quite low. Verneri got really excited when Mr. Paint pointed the planes out to him. He was aaawwwing and pointing to the planes. This morning we mentioned the word "lentokone" (airplane) to him and he started pointing up in the sky and running to the window. He did that for so long that we decided that we should do a little excursion down to the Airport area to spot planes.

So, after his naptime we drove down to the outskirts of the airport around the little roads that go around the perimeters of the runways. Apparently we hit a popular spotting location as there were several other spotters with their binoculars and cameras. Verneri got to see 2 planes take off from the runway and then he spotted 2 from the car on his own as we were driving away. As expected, the same aaaawwiiiing started again. We might have a future buss driver of aviation on our hands, people! And, for the record: plane spotting was actually pretty fun thing to do!:)

torstai, 17. elokuu 2006

Rain, yay!

This morning I woke up around 5 a.m and it was raining, -indeed from Esther's behind-, and thundering! Bless the rain! Thunder and lighting, very very frighting...That's more like it! Now it's a fresh morning again after a rainy night. yay!

keskiviikko, 16. elokuu 2006

Heat, heat, heat

As I was putting Verneri down for a nap on our balcony today, I looked down and saw that everything looks as it is fall already. All the trees are yellow and withered, the grass is all burned to a a golden yellow color. It's because of this damn hot and dry summer! Yesterday it rained for the first time in 2 months! Can you believe that? And not even any " from-Esther's-ass" -rain, but just barely a few drops for an hour. I'm getting sick and tired of this soon. This is not what Finland is supposed to be like in the summer. Where are all the rainy days and the chilling summer breeze? Not here. To add to that, of course now that Simo's got the heart problem and should avoid heat, it has to be the hottest and driest summer in the last 100 years...Talk about irony, eh?

Of course, the situation would be much more tolerable if we had AC. But we don't. Come on here and live like bacon! It's a 24/7 sauna...You have to keep all the windows open all the time, otherwise it'll get too hot inside. After 4pm the sun turns right onto our living room and bedroom side of the building.  We can't even keep the balcony door open all the time because of Verneri. We're afraid that he'll climb and fall down as soon as we turn our backs. Thank God the smoke from the Russkies forest fires seems to have gone away finally. It wasn't very pleasant waking up in the morning smelling smoke as if someone was heating up a sauna with a wood-burning kiuas (kiuas= the sauna stove)! Unless this stupid heatwave won't soon come to end, I'm really starting to think I'm a winter person...NOT. This is Finland, not Mexico! We ain't used to this kind of weather. We're supposed to be in the mild climate zone, this has clearly gone too far. Damn the stupid Golf current!
  • Personal comments

    "Those that try to show it, don't got. Those that got it, can't hide it "
    ---Zora Neale Hurston---

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